Even in Colgate we see women not being respected. 1 in 4 women at Colgate are sexually assaulted. This is suppose to be some sophisticated liberal arts school, yet we have a staggeringly high assault rate.
Shows like my super sweet sixteen are just ridiculous and Susan Douglas is right producers make these shows so people can mock them. I know I do it, I don't watch Jersey Shore for the interesting plot line, I watch it so I can make fun of them all. But one thing is that these shows are made to entertain us, if you think that they are real life and that you should act like them, then your just not intelligent. The problem is the few people who do take it seriously and don't understand that you shouldn't act that way.
-funny clip from Sweet Sixteen
One part of the speech given by Adrienne Rich that really stuck out to me was the part about how that even though Douglas College is a women's college they are administered by men. That through me a real curve ball. I think to be a real women's college you need to be administered by women. I play basketball and if I had a tennis coach coaching me I would be a little skeptical. Yeah all sports are similar and can all be taught be someone with some kind of athletic knowledge but still I would want someone who knew the ins and outs of the game. Just like a women student would want someone who knew the ins and outs of being a women.
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